Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tips on common washing machine problem.

Hi everyone,

Based on my experiance, there are several common washing machine problems that cause the owner to think about a new one. Who will get the benefit from it? hihi, it's us the 2nd hand retailer because what we need is to repair it for about half an hour or less, and then sell it back for a simple profit. So next time, if you find something silly as below, try to fix it yourself first before thinking of new one. Unless you want to upgrade to a bigger capacity but with very low price, then find me instead ;-)

  1. Leakage at inlet valve. Unplug the main power, open the top cabinet, and tighten the valve screw. If still problem, unscrew, check the rubber. If damage, find new one at warehouse but if the rubber is still ok, just turn it a bit and reassemble. Most of the time, problem solved.
  2. Non-stop drain outlet. Probably got something stuck in the outlet valve. Most of the cases are bra supporter and coints. just open it and take it off.
  3. Cannot spin. Most common problem is magnet at the lid dropped/missing for washing machine with magnetic sensor. Another common problem is the actuator at the lid pivot stuck due to rust problem. Open the top cabinet, remove the rust, put some lubrican and wallaa!!!
  4. Control panel unstable. Commonly due to water leak to the panel board. Just take your hair dryer and blow it with all plugged wires unplugged. Reassemble and try again. If problem still occur, the panel is probably had to be replaced. That case would not be our favour ;-)
  5. No power at all. Most of the time only due to burnt fuse at the power cord. Just replace it.

For more details, please refer to our sponsored site at the side collumn ;-)

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